The Print Project Group was formed, in 1999, by a group of independent photographers dedicated to creating and printing monochrome images. The aims and objectives of the group today have changed very little. They are to bring together people interested in monochrome images and to stimulate and encourage them in the art of photography. By doing so we hope to promote improvement in standards, both artistically and technically, and to provide enjoyment for all. However, it is probably worth stating that the group is not competitive and the work is not judged.
Meetings are held monthly in the winter months and twice in the summer. Attending members at each meeting produce work for constructive comment by all attendees. Exhibitions of members’ work are held two or three times each year. The group meet, usually on Saturday afternoons, at Bramcote Memorial Hall, Church Road, Bramcote, Nottingham NG9 3HD.
The experience of members varies, and membership includes two Fellows of the Royal Photographic Society as well as many far less experienced people. Most members use digital cameras and produce prints using inkjet printers. However, a couple of members continue to use film and an enlarger, to create silver prints, some are experimenting with mobile phones and we've even had prints shared that have been produced on a photocopier! Their aim is simply to produce interesting and stimulating monochrome images.

The Print Project Group is affiliated to N&EMPF and through them, to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain.