I have always had an interest in photography but, in 2009, after taking early retirement, I decided to take my hobby more seriously. By reading a lot, taking thousands of photographs and going on courses, I was able to improve rapidly.
In 2012 I was awarded an ARPS and CPAGB and further awards followed. In 2015 one of my images was chosen, by the PAGB Great Britain team, to be used as part of a panel of ten prints to compete in the FIAP 26th International Colour Print Biennial against twenty-five other nations. Great Britain eventually came second to Argentina - by only one point. To date I have now had over 500 images accepted into international salons.

Back to the Shadows by Stuart Crump

Curves by Stuart Crump

Flamence Dance Class by Stuart Crump

Florence Brass band by Stuart Crump

Lincoln Cathedral by Stuart Crump

Magpie Mine by Stuart Crump

Newark Castle by Stuart Crump

Sisters by the Window by Stuart Crump

Stairwell Beauty by Stuart Crump

Swanage Old Pier by Stuart Crump

The Face of Experience by Stuart Crump